Satzu GIF - Tzuyu felt sleepy before "Feel Special" Showcase, Sana hold her hands (2019/09/23)

GIF of Tzuyu / ツウイ GIF / 쯔위 GIF / 周子瑜 GIF
TWICE 트와이스 トゥワイス

Satzu GIF - Tzuyu felt sleepy before "Feel Special" Showcase, Sana hold her hands (2019/09/23)

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Satzu GIF - Tzuyu felt sleepy before "Feel Special" Showcase, Sana hold her hands (2019/09/23)

They TWICE practiced around 2019/9/21 ~ 09/22 till very deep night,
Tzuyu felt very sleepy before "feel special showcase" stage, Sana hold her hands and laughs,
elder sisters ask her to take a nap get some rest.
Satzu - Tzuyu felt sleepy before Feel Special Showcase (20190923).gif
Satzu - Tzuyu felt sleepy before Feel Special Showcase (20190923).gif (6.42 MiB) Viewed 3398 times